Product Verification
Engineering practices are using technical spefications and program requirements to design a product however verification of this work on production intent products are important activities for identifying process capabilities and achieve specifications as much as close to design nominal.

We are using advanced metrology systems to be able to collect geometric data from final products/ fixtures / tools rapidly so that we can validate our process measure its capability. For an agreed measurement strategy being prepared to collect data rapidly is a key element for dimensional concern solutions. So this is agreed before the production intent parts are produced.

Material Testing
Similar to dimensional verification material performance verification of a geometry/ process output is important activity to validate engineering design work. We have inhouse capabilities of most of the critical testing procedures so that we can have rapid results especcially where improvement activities are required.

Specific Product Testing
There are a lot of standart testing equipment which enables testing on a standard shape material specimen however there are specific testing requirement which requires design intent units that would proceed an identified procedure. Aside you can see an example of Degas bottle testing unit which applies a testing procedure for each product confirming performance and identifying product for traceability.